This week was really good! Since it was the week of Thanksgiving, Elder Oaks came for our Tuesday fireside. He told us to remember who we are and who we represent. He said he had a missionary ask to take a picture with him once then ask him "can I give you bunny ears?" Elder Oaks was shocked and said he doesn't mind Dallin Oaks having bunny ears, but not an Apostle of God.
Thanksgiving dinner was pretty good. I stayed gluten free and was the only one in the cafeteria who wasn't fed turkey from a can. Haha. They made me a special pumpkin pie which was nice of them, but it wasn't the best thing I ever tasted. It was rubbery. We had an AMAZING devotional from Elder Holland that was SO cool. I want to share what he said because it was so neat. He was really relaxed in his talk and he just answered questions missionaries from the MTC had written a few weeks ago. Here are the best ones:
1) What happens to the sealing when people are divorced or don't keep their covenants, etc.? What happens to me? He said that nothing one person can do, will screw you up forever. So we would still keep our sealing to God, even if a temple sealing wasn't kept. He said, "you're all going to be busy being gods anyway, you won't really care how you're sealed to your parents". He said to just keep the commandments and the sealing promises would still be ours. He said whenever there's something we don't know, cling to what we do. "Don't hyperventilate over some Parley P. Pratt quote you find that you don't understand". Haha. I thought that was hilarious.
2) What if someone says, I'm good with God, I don't need to be baptized? He just said, "who cares if you love God and he loves you? The fact is that you HAVE to be baptized to enter the kingdom of God. And that's all there is to it." And what if an investigator says I was already baptized by Uncle Henry? "Frankly, we don't care about Uncle Henry and his baptism." haha
3) Why is life so hard? Elder Holland says he believes that the natural man is not inherently evil like everybody thinks. He said everybody was born an innocent child and with glory and godhood flowing in their veins. We are God's children so we were meant for great things. We are most like natural resources that are unstable and dangerous, but after the 'refining' though trials, we become precious and valuable and able to do great things.
4) If God can see all time as if it were present, why should I even try? His response was so great. He said, "Why is it that when people think that God can see all time before him that He naturally can see them going to hell? WHY do you guys always think you're going to hell?? God DOESN'T know where you're going. He sees it happening, but he doesn't control or know where you're heading. What he does know is that you're wonderful. You're not a rat, you're not a mess, and you aren't a mistake. By all means, you're going to heaven! Come, on we're on the glory train! Don't assume your'e going to hell. Only you can control that."
Then he said that it was okay that we were homesick because now we know how God feels. He said that we need to make sure that we get God's children home so there aren't any empty chairs at Thanksgiving. And in the best Elder Holland way, he slammed his fists on the podium and said, "The Church is true! I would not devote my life to a fairytale".
It was SO amazing!
Anyway, we did a huge service project for the humanitarian center. I put 2 gauze pads together then passed it to the girls sitting next to me. Haha, I didn't feel very useful, but it was fun.
Thank you all so much for all the letters and packages by the way!! I wish I had more time to write you all personally and thank you. I got a nice letter from a couple friends, which have been so nice! It was so nice!!
Oh yeah, haha, Thanksgiving evening we had another devotional with the MTC president that was a TRAIN WRECK! He had a couple musical numbers then he said anyone who wanted to come up and share something they were grateful for, could come to the microphone. And of course, every immature, dufus missionary who thought he was the funniest guy in the world got up and shared embarrassing comments. My favorites were "HOSANNA baby, this Church is true, Wahoo yeah!" and "People call me rags. Some of you might say my hair is too long for a missionary, but the rest of you think I look like Clark Gable" and "My girlfriend wrote to me the other day about the temple and eternal marriage and blah blah blah..." It was so horrible. Most people had their heads in their hands.
So every Sunday they call 2 missionaries from our zone of 40 to give a spontaneous talk and yesterday, I was called. :( It has to be in Chinese, is the worst part. So I said about 3 sentences then read a long quote from the Book of Mormon. The new missionaries were so impressed because they thought I wrote the whole thing. Haha, nooooo, no I didn't. The Chinese has been a little frustrating. I can understand a lot more than I thought and I have a really good memory for words, but grammar is beyond me. It's SO hard to think in Chinese and reorganize things in your head.
All in all, I am used to things here and really like it. My companion and I have made good friends with the other missionaries. I really love the feeling there is here. I don't think I've ever felt closer to the Lord. The opportunities we have to teach are so neat. I didn't know that I'd love teaching so much, but there's something really special about bearing your testimony all the time. I am learning so much about the gospel I never knew before and things make so much sense. I am so glad I'm here. The Church is true, it's not a fairytale. :) Italked to a lady on the phone at the RC the other day who was reading the book of mormon. She asked what persecute means and what the name of the Brother of Jared was. It was so cute. I just love it.
Anyway, my time is running out quickly!! I love you all and hope to hear about your Thanksgivings! I wish I could write everyone individually. Love you all! Keep in touch!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Our REAL investigator!
The MTC is great. I really do love it. Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed but it's all good. I had a really good experience with my companion this week. We taught in the TRC this week (the TRC is a place where you role-play teaching experiences) and we actually taught a REAL investigator from Xiamen. We taught her about how God loves her and she seemed to be okay with all that. Then when we talked about Eternal Families she seemed really touched and the Spirit was definitely there. It was so neat. I was so excited that she was a real investigator. It made me so excited!
We had a fireside on Sunday by Stephen B. Allen. He is the director of the missionary dept I think. He said there are 4 stages of being a missionary: #1 the honeymoon stage of being happy and loving it all (a stage I never reached...haha). #2 the Hostile stage where you hate everything, everything stinks and you gotta go home now! (a stage I've hit a few times...haha) #3 the Grin and Bear it Stage (the stage I'm in most of the time and the #4 Successful stage. He said the key to getting to the successful stage ASAP is by having your heart in it. He said if our hearts are in "our mom's kitchens, our rooms with our toys or our boyfriend's backpacks" then it's not in the right place. Gulp. I'll need to get my heart back from Grant for just a little bit I suppose. It was a really good talk.
So gym time is a pretty fun time of day. We usually run laps or use the bikes for 20 minutes then spend the rest of the time playing 4square. It's so fun! We have the 4-square usuals that we've become buddies with. Like Elders Scrimsure and Cutler. Elder Cutler is a funny guy who is headed to Morristown NJ Spanish Speaking. He always says girls are "backstabbers" at 4 square so whenever he sees us around the MTC he shakes his fist as if he's stabbing someone in the back. Haha. It's really fun. Four square in Chinese is Si fang square but Elders have nicknamed itSiwang Square which means "death" square. Haha.
This Thanksgiving is going to be pretty fun. We have aTurkey dinner for lunch then sack dinners. We have a Humanitarian project in the evening which should be cool. Rumor has it that Elder Holland is coming, which is way exciting!
We had to have chest/lung X-rays for our Taiwanese visa. I wasn't concerned except that they called me back in for a 2nd X-ray for some reason! :( I don't think I have a problem, but I don't know if I have scar tissue from all the asthma and bronchitis problems I've had. I don't think that would keep me from getting a visa, but I just want to be sure.
Anyway, my time is pretty much out. Thank you so much for all of you who have written to me! You can use Dear and it works like an email for your and snailmail for me. It's cool. I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!
Love coley
We had a fireside on Sunday by Stephen B. Allen. He is the director of the missionary dept I think. He said there are 4 stages of being a missionary: #1 the honeymoon stage of being happy and loving it all (a stage I never reached...haha). #2 the Hostile stage where you hate everything, everything stinks and you gotta go home now! (a stage I've hit a few times...haha) #3 the Grin and Bear it Stage (the stage I'm in most of the time and the #4 Successful stage. He said the key to getting to the successful stage ASAP is by having your heart in it. He said if our hearts are in "our mom's kitchens, our rooms with our toys or our boyfriend's backpacks" then it's not in the right place. Gulp. I'll need to get my heart back from Grant for just a little bit I suppose. It was a really good talk.
So gym time is a pretty fun time of day. We usually run laps or use the bikes for 20 minutes then spend the rest of the time playing 4square. It's so fun! We have the 4-square usuals that we've become buddies with. Like Elders Scrimsure and Cutler. Elder Cutler is a funny guy who is headed to Morristown NJ Spanish Speaking. He always says girls are "backstabbers" at 4 square so whenever he sees us around the MTC he shakes his fist as if he's stabbing someone in the back. Haha. It's really fun. Four square in Chinese is Si fang square but Elders have nicknamed it
This Thanksgiving is going to be pretty fun. We have a
We had to have chest/lung X-rays for our Taiwanese visa. I wasn't concerned except that they called me back in for a 2nd X-ray for some reason! :( I don't think I have a problem, but I don't know if I have scar tissue from all the asthma and bronchitis problems I've had. I don't think that would keep me from getting a visa, but I just want to be sure.
Anyway, my time is pretty much out. Thank you so much for all of you who have written to me! You can use Dear and it works like an email for your and snailmail for me. It's cool. I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!
Love coley
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Easy and FREE way to write to Nicole!
This message is to EVERYONE!
Nicole really would LOVE some mail! Here is a great, free and easy way to send her mail.
It's awesome! You type a letter on their website and they will print off your letter, put it in an envelope and hand deliver it to the MTC...FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE!!! And better yet, if you type it before a certain time, it will be delivered THAT DAY!!! Totally fabulous.
So write! No excuses! She'd LOOOOOOOOOVE to hear from all of you!
Nicole really would LOVE some mail! Here is a great, free and easy way to send her mail.
Go to
It's awesome! You type a letter on their website and they will print off your letter, put it in an envelope and hand deliver it to the MTC...FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE!!! And better yet, if you type it before a certain time, it will be delivered THAT DAY!!! Totally fabulous.
So write! No excuses! She'd LOOOOOOOOOVE to hear from all of you!
MTC life and Sheri Dew's Fireside
Here are parts of an email we received from the MTC from Nicole.
"My whole district is going to Taipei, which is really neat. Sadly, Taiwan used to have 3 missions, but the Kaoshiang mission was dissolved into the Taizhong mission now. Anyway, so the other missionaries in my district are: Elders (of Zhanglaomen) Sessions (DL), Jackson, Murphy, Knight, Van Wagoner, and Brunson. My companion is Sister Stephanie Hintze, aka He Jiemei, from Centerville, UT. Her dad works for the budget or finance dept in the Church so she's lived all over South America. I really like her. We're perfect for eachother. We're both blue personalities so we stress out and lean on each other alot. The other sisters in our room are also all new, but the they are all going to the Taizhong mission. They are really great. We have fun.
It's definitely an adjustment having an actual schedule. Haha. I've had the most chaotic life the past few years, that I'm totally now used to being so busy or so structured. I've also not been so stationary for a long time, so sometimes I feel like the bird on Rockadoodle, pecking on the walls saying, "we're trapped, trapped like rats!" Haha, but it's good. Good things happen all the time. I feel like a new worry comes up every day, or a new bit of opposition from Satan that kind of freaks me out, but the Lord undoubtedly answers it within 12 hours. I had a REALLY neat experience this Sunday.
I was feeling like I was doubting my desire to be here. But I role-played teaching a couple times with my companion and really pretended I was teaching someone. I then KNEW I really wanted to teach people and really had a desire to spread the gospel I love. I knew that despite the fact that I am sometimes petrified at the thought, I REALLY am excited to share the gospel. For Relief Society, Sister Oaks came and shared a really neat lesson. We also had a Sister Missionary from Jinnan City, China share her conversion story. She said she was baptized in Cambodia. She couldn't figure out why she'd chosen to work in Cambodia, but now she knows it was because she was supposed to find the gospel. She said she knew that because of her missionary service, her family would receive the gospel someday. That made me get all choked up because I love the Chinese people so much. And I'll be able to teach them! And the teaching we do in Taiwan will open the doors to Mainland.
Then our fireside was INCREDIBLE. Sheri Dew taught. She's my favorite person in the world. She said, "Now, if I were Satan, there are 3 things I'd want to do to wreck your lives and your missions. So get out a pen, because I'm going to tell you how I'd wreck your lives." Haha, it was really awesome. What she said were all the things and the opposition that I'd felt the past few days from Satan myself.
She said, 1) Satan would confuse you about your identity. In the scriptures it said the strong, diligent and faithful are the ones held for the last days. The noble and great ones. Don't think for a second that YOU are not one of those. But Satan will try to make you think you are nothing, weak, and not able. But you are!
2) He would try to keep us from understanding what the Savior did for us. She related to us that she had almost gotten married in her 30s but it hadn't worked out. She was devastated. But she said she studied the Atonement more than she had her whole life and was amazed at the healing comes from the Atonement, not just the forgiveness.
3) Satan would try to keep us from receiving personal revelation. She said that like those of us learning literal foreign languages here in the MTC, it takes learning the language of the Lord to understand the Lord's words and revelation towards you.
It was so amazing. I had the strongest conviction of the gospel at that minute. I knew that if all of us missionaries could learn those 3 things, we'd be unstoppable!! With our testimonies, convictions, and the Lord on our side, how coule we fail?? With THAT kind of knowledge of our true identities, the Atonement and hearing the Lord's voice in our lives on a constant basis, would could NOT fail. The gospel is true. I want to preach it to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. The Church is so amazing. The gospel is true! I feel like this is such an amazing work. 18 Months suddenly doesn't seem like enough time at all. I am so excited!
Anyway, please tell me how you all are doing!! Write to me!! :) I love you and miss you all like crazy!!
Love you, the Church is True,
Sister Poohface, AKA Deng Jiemei!"
"My whole district is going to Taipei, which is really neat. Sadly, Taiwan used to have 3 missions, but the Kaoshiang mission was dissolved into the Taizhong mission now. Anyway, so the other missionaries in my district are: Elders (of Zhanglaomen) Sessions (DL), Jackson, Murphy, Knight, Van Wagoner, and Brunson. My companion is Sister Stephanie Hintze, aka He Jiemei, from Centerville, UT. Her dad works for the budget or finance dept in the Church so she's lived all over South America. I really like her. We're perfect for eachother. We're both blue personalities so we stress out and lean on each other alot. The other sisters in our room are also all new, but the they are all going to the Taizhong mission. They are really great. We have fun.
It's definitely an adjustment having an actual schedule. Haha. I've had the most chaotic life the past few years, that I'm totally now used to being so busy or so structured. I've also not been so stationary for a long time, so sometimes I feel like the bird on Rockadoodle, pecking on the walls saying, "we're trapped, trapped like rats!" Haha, but it's good. Good things happen all the time. I feel like a new worry comes up every day, or a new bit of opposition from Satan that kind of freaks me out, but the Lord undoubtedly answers it within 12 hours. I had a REALLY neat experience this Sunday.
I was feeling like I was doubting my desire to be here. But I role-played teaching a couple times with my companion and really pretended I was teaching someone. I then KNEW I really wanted to teach people and really had a desire to spread the gospel I love. I knew that despite the fact that I am sometimes petrified at the thought, I REALLY am excited to share the gospel. For Relief Society, Sister Oaks came and shared a really neat lesson. We also had a Sister Missionary from Jinnan City, China share her conversion story. She said she was baptized in Cambodia. She couldn't figure out why she'd chosen to work in Cambodia, but now she knows it was because she was supposed to find the gospel. She said she knew that because of her missionary service, her family would receive the gospel someday. That made me get all choked up because I love the Chinese people so much. And I'll be able to teach them! And the teaching we do in Taiwan will open the doors to Mainland.
Then our fireside was INCREDIBLE. Sheri Dew taught. She's my favorite person in the world. She said, "Now, if I were Satan, there are 3 things I'd want to do to wreck your lives and your missions. So get out a pen, because I'm going to tell you how I'd wreck your lives." Haha, it was really awesome. What she said were all the things and the opposition that I'd felt the past few days from Satan myself.
She said, 1) Satan would confuse you about your identity. In the scriptures it said the strong, diligent and faithful are the ones held for the last days. The noble and great ones. Don't think for a second that YOU are not one of those. But Satan will try to make you think you are nothing, weak, and not able. But you are!
2) He would try to keep us from understanding what the Savior did for us. She related to us that she had almost gotten married in her 30s but it hadn't worked out. She was devastated. But she said she studied the Atonement more than she had her whole life and was amazed at the healing comes from the Atonement, not just the forgiveness.
3) Satan would try to keep us from receiving personal revelation. She said that like those of us learning literal foreign languages here in the MTC, it takes learning the language of the Lord to understand the Lord's words and revelation towards you.
It was so amazing. I had the strongest conviction of the gospel at that minute. I knew that if all of us missionaries could learn those 3 things, we'd be unstoppable!! With our testimonies, convictions, and the Lord on our side, how coule we fail?? With THAT kind of knowledge of our true identities, the Atonement and hearing the Lord's voice in our lives on a constant basis, would could NOT fail. The gospel is true. I want to preach it to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. The Church is so amazing. The gospel is true! I feel like this is such an amazing work. 18 Months suddenly doesn't seem like enough time at all. I am so excited!
Anyway, please tell me how you all are doing!! Write to me!! :) I love you and miss you all like crazy!!
Love you, the Church is True,
Sister Poohface, AKA Deng Jiemei!"
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Nicole's address
The MTC!!!!!!
Danny and Rachel (Nicole's sister and bro-in-law) took Nicole to the MTC on November 11th, 2009.
Walking to the MTC...typical Nicole look!
She'll love me for this one!
Nicole and her sister Rachel
She was very nervous and incredibly excited to be there!
Strike a pose, Coley!
With the new MTC drop off rules, we did just that...drop off. Though, it was more of a dive and roll while the car was still moving. We seriously had 3 minutes to say goodbye before she was whisked away.
We'll love and miss you!!!
Walking to the MTC...typical Nicole look!
Strike a pose, Coley!
With the new MTC drop off rules, we did just that...drop off. Though, it was more of a dive and roll while the car was still moving. We seriously had 3 minutes to say goodbye before she was whisked away.
We'll love and miss you!!!
The last breakfast
Officially a Missionary
Farewell Luncheon
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
An Introduction to My Missionary Blog
This is the first official entry to my mission blog. My great sister Rachel will be updating this blog with my weekly emails home. Before my mission to Taipei, Taiwan, I'd like to just say a couple things that have been on my mind.
How I Decided to Serve a Mission
My testimony and desire to serve started when I was a child, being taught by good parents who bore their testimonies to me often and taught me the gospel. It really was just like the Army of Helaman, "I did not doubt that [my parents] knew it." The great lessons and examples of Church leaders in the Harmony Park Ward and the Granite 11th Ward built further on that, strengthening my love for the Church of Jesus Christ. A big moment in my decision to serve a mission came when I was 16 in Nauvoo, Illinois with my brother Michael and my parents. Sister missionaries were EVERYWHERE and I felt this strange excitement when a few of them spoke to us, looked at me and said "a mission is the best thing you'll ever do. Maybe YOU'LL serve one day." Then when I was 18, I was wandering Temple Square and had another one of those "that will be YOU" moments when I was speaking to a sister missionary companionship. In Ukraine (July 2007), I finally decided I would pray about it. The thought came to my mind that I had been given witnesses earlier in my life that I should go and that I knew my answer. I decided then that I would go, but with the turmoil that was going on in my life at the time, I just couldn't pull myself to do it. Through the events that were going on, I felt a HUGE trial of my faith--but eventually, my testimony that had been planted as a child won against the thrashing of the devil. I feel like I was able to exchange my simple childlike belief to an adult love and hope in the Savior and his Restored Gospel. It was such a blessing!
...Regardless, it still took me a while to finally just have the faith to go. I had been feeling this huge void and emptiness in my life, like something was seriously amiss. I couldn't put my finger on it. One day I was talking with my good friend and roommate JP (now serving a mission in Maceio Brazil) and said, "I don't know why I feel so lost right now, like there's something wrong" then, words which were NOT my own, blurted from my mouth saying: "I really need to serve a mission." Instantly that void was filled and I felt the purpose and direction I'd sought so hard for elsewhere. I could not deny that feeling. I KNEW my place. I started my mission papers shortly thereafter.
1. I feel like I've been commanded to go. Even though it's optional for girls, I know I have to go. And when God tells you to do something, you JUST DO IT.
2. I love the gospel and am excited to actually have time to sit down and study it for a long time.
3. I am so excited to see the gospel work miracles in people's lives! My Mom is a convert to the Church and I remember her testimony of the mighty change it made in her life when she was taught by the missionaries. I've always wanted to witness that first hand.
4. I love the Lord! I really want others to know this. I feel like knowing that there is someone out there that loves and cares for you so unconditionally is vital and that everyone should know it!
...Regardless, it still took me a while to finally just have the faith to go. I had been feeling this huge void and emptiness in my life, like something was seriously amiss. I couldn't put my finger on it. One day I was talking with my good friend and roommate JP (now serving a mission in Maceio Brazil) and said, "I don't know why I feel so lost right now, like there's something wrong" then, words which were NOT my own, blurted from my mouth saying: "I really need to serve a mission." Instantly that void was filled and I felt the purpose and direction I'd sought so hard for elsewhere. I could not deny that feeling. I KNEW my place. I started my mission papers shortly thereafter.
Why I am Serving a Mission
I'm going to be honest, deciding to serve a mission hasn't been the easiest thing I've ever done. I started dating a wonderful man named Grant Keaton. He's been my best friend and the thought to stay home for him has come to mind often. On top of that, all the exciting fun things I could be doing instead (going to school, playing with friends, getting married...haha, traveling) continued to tempt me. But through countless MIRACLES, Priesthood blessings, answers to prayers and undeniable impressions, I am still goin'! Because the reasons I'm going outweigh the reasons I'd stay. The reasons I'm going are the following: :D1. I feel like I've been commanded to go. Even though it's optional for girls, I know I have to go. And when God tells you to do something, you JUST DO IT.
2. I love the gospel and am excited to actually have time to sit down and study it for a long time.
3. I am so excited to see the gospel work miracles in people's lives! My Mom is a convert to the Church and I remember her testimony of the mighty change it made in her life when she was taught by the missionaries. I've always wanted to witness that first hand.
4. I love the Lord! I really want others to know this. I feel like knowing that there is someone out there that loves and cares for you so unconditionally is vital and that everyone should know it!
My Testimony
I know that Jesus Christ lives, loves us, and died that we may become perfect through His Atonement. I know God loves His children --ALL of them-- even the deepest darkest sinner. He loves His children so much! Even those who have never, or will never, have the opportunity to learn of Him. I know that Joseph Smith restored the true and full gospel of Jesus Christ. I know the Book of Mormon translated by his hand is a real document that bears testimony of the Savior. I know that there is a living prophet by the name of Thomas S. Monson. I LOVE the temple and the Spirit and promises in there. It is a beautiful and special place and I feel so close to God when I'm there. I know that there are blessings uncountable from living the gospel and being close to the Lord. I love this Church.
In Gratitude
I feel like I've already been WAAAAAY long winded and sappy, but I just want to say that missionary work can't fail when you have sooooo many people backing up a missionary. I am so grateful for the support and love and financial help I've received from COUNTLESS people!! Good friends like Pasha and Denny, Morgan, JP, Lindsey, Emily, Jenna, Raley, and SO many others!! Family members like Aunt Gaye, Uncle Mark, Uncle Eric, Aunt Deanna, Bev, Mary, Carolyn, Grandma and Grandpa Dowdle and all my immediate family members, especially ones who let me crash on their couches. My parents for teaching me to love the gospel! !Members of the BYU 83rd ward and the Eastdell Ward!!!! ALL of them have given so much, financially and spiritually!! Family friends, like Tracy Cutler, the Lomus, and many others. My amazing and wonderful friend Grant. My adorable little sister Brewy. Strangers who put money in my hands just because they heard I was preparing for a mission, especially those kind individuals who patroned the Provo Farmer's Market. Employers and friends from ILP and Qwest and Family Link. The Paulsens, Sorensons, Dowdles, Andersons, Dahlquists, Jensens, Keatons, Twedes, Michaelsons, Gunnells, Robbins, to name just a small few. I have so many names and faces of kind amazing people that have helped me swirling in my mind that me that I can't possibly mention them all, and for that, I apologize. Just know that I have appreciated and been so humbled and touched by the help that I've received. I love you all!! I feel so blessed!!
And here I go! Onward to serve God and the people of Taiwan! [High-pitched, panicked-yet-excited squeals]
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