Saturday, March 6, 2010

Missionary work weddings!

It's P-day again! I'm trying to think of all that's happened in the past few days...

The members are amazing here. There was a wedding reception in the ward and the adorable bride and groom turned it into a missionary event. They had pass-along cards and pamphlets at their guest book table and their wedding video was being played to "I know that my redeemer lives". They had the Bishop speak about Eternal Families and the Relief Society sang Families can be Together Forever. It was so neat. There were so many non-members, it was awesome! I love the strong people here. We also had a cool experience with contacting. So, I don't speak Chinese...and this is a probably and causes me much frustration and sadness. But the other day we were contacting on scooters (ride up to a scooter when we're stopped at a light and give them a mini lesson and a pamphlet) and I couldn't say much. Alot of time I just said "I want to give you this. It was will help you find happiness in your life". But I decided to write our phone number on the back of all my pamphlets and we actually had a guy I talked to call us yesterday and he's going to meet with the Elders! Isn't that cool? It's another testimony that as long as we're doing what we should, the Lord will allow someone who is prepared to hear the gospel to be in the right place at the right time to meet the missionaries. Heavenly Father really loves us. And it's really incredible what your eyes are opened up to on a mission. This is one thing that is HUGE that I've seen that has really been a testimony builder. And that is, that those who are active, strong members, ARE happier and have better families and more stable lives. Those who fall into inactivity generally have alot of "mafan" or trials, annoyances, unhappiness, and more family strife. It's really amazing. It goes back to what I remember someone said in testimony meeting in a ward we attended in South Jordan: That people don't change, but the GOSPEL changes people. It really is 100% true.

So we're having some new training on having a "vision" for our mission/area/ourselves. If you have a vision about something, you will most likely make goals that will actually allow you to achieve your vision. My companion pointed out that we are in an area with a HUGE (the biggest in Taiwan) LDS chapel that is beautiful. But our wards don't fill half of the chapel. But that's okay, because the Church and the Lord have a vision for this area. Someday, that chapel will be full and the overflow doors will have to be opened to have room enough to receive all the members. Now the Church and God have this vision, so the missionaries and members now need it too to accomplish it. It makes me so excited to be here. Times are really hard sometimes...I get frustrated with my language abilities and get lonely not being able to speak with people. But I love it and feel so lucky to be in this area with these great people. The Chinese are really something special. I feel like "Gladys Aylward" on a much lesser level. Haha. You should all google and find the Dedicatory Prayer for China by David O McKay.

I always LOVE hearing from you all. I love hearing about your lives!

Love you all!


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