Monday, March 29, 2010

"Stressed out of my GOURD!"


My time short again today. Grrr...but I'll try to remember all that's happened recently! I might have to do it in bullet point presentation though. :S

--It's been a rough couple weeks. I think the culture shock has finally set in and my frustration with Chinese is mounting. I'm blessed that I can understand it really well, but speaking is the biggest headache and I sound like a 2 year old.

--I've been stressed out of my gourd, but so has my maybe it's SATAN and it means good things are on their way!

--Good things actually have been happening...Last week we had a member bring 10+ of her High school students to a BYU-H info meeting at the church then pull them aside and say, "hey, why not listen to the missionaries?" So we're meeting with 8 of those girls and they are SO cute!! One of them has a tentative baptismal date. The lessons with them have been good and full of the Spirit.

--We had an investigator (a NON progressing investigator, mind you) tell us out of the blue that she had a testimony and wanted to get baptized ASAP. CRAZY. We had a new member explain to us (and I fully believe) that the only way someone will ever have a desire to be baptized and to CHANGE is if they are in a valley of hard times. If they are feeling like they are on top of everything and are doing great without any change, why would they? Hence, WHY we have trials.

BLAST!! Time is up. :( Bah, Sorry. Thank you all for your emails and letters. I love reading them and they make me feel loved and warm inside. :)

Love you!

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